I didn't intend or plan for my first blog of 2025 to be about colonics, but here we are! Today, I shared that I was having a colonic done to my Instagram (@sarah_bowmar) and was shocked at how many inquiries I had about it! This is not medical advice. Colonic...

All The Lash Details!
I started getting lash extensions in December 2018. When I got pregnant with Oakley, we had to start modifying my appointments since you're not supposed to lay on your back for an extended period of time. Then, the pandemic hit, and lash salons were one of the first...
Road Trip Toddler Essentials
Unfortunately, we just got back from a road trip for my grandma's funeral, and our kids usually don't do well in the car past the 2 hours (this was a 6-hour car ride, not including the times we stopped). Our kids are 4 and 2.5, for reference on the items listed below!...

Home Office Decor and Organization
I hired a professional organizer several months ago, and we have been chipping away at all the rooms/closets in the house to organize everything. The weight that has been lifted off my shoulders is truly incredible. I never know how much of my fight or flight was...

Toddler Pool Necessities
I live for pool days! I did not, however, realize how much stuff I would need to have happy days at the pool. Lucky for you - I have compiled a list so you don't have to! Mind you, we go to a private pool at our gym, and some things are provided, such as towels and...

Homemade Coffee / Magnesium Scrub
The further and further I dive into the rabbit hole that is titled "the government is trying to poison us and disrupt our hormones every chance they get," I've come to realize how many unnecessary ingredients are in our skincare. Our skin is our largest organ, so it's...

How I Improved My Scoliosis
If you have followed me on Instagram for over 36 hours, you have heard/seen me talk about scoliosis. I was diagnosed in seventh grade with two different curves: 27 and 32 degrees. I never had a brace or surgery and was routinely checked to see if the degrees were...
How to Navigate Traveling Without Kids – For You and Them
We spent 35 days in Africa without our kids (2 and 3.5 years old). I have never dreaded anything more in my life—I was riddled with stress, anxiety, and guilt over taking the trip the second we booked it. I was in constant fight-or-flight for the better part of six...
Strong Immune System Protocol (tips that actually work)
We will always be exposed to something, whether it's transferred through contact or the air. The point of our immune system is to be strong enough to handle diseases, infections, etc. The purpose of this blog is to give you real advice on how to strengthen your immune...

At-Home Recovery Equipment
Over the last few years, we have accumulated a small arsenal of at-home recovery equipment. It started when I didn't want to have swollen legs during pregnancy, so we invested in compression sleeves. Then the pandemic hit, and we realized how much we relied on...
Clean Non-Tox Products I Use
To mitigate the endocrine disruptors in my life, I have switched many products over the years that I was using and have omitted many things I used to use! I receive a lot of requests to compile a list of all the brands/products I use, and I will do my best to update...

How HRT Has Changed My Life in the Last 1.5 Years
It’s February 3, 2024, and I started my HRT journey in August 2022 HRT has given me the best marriage I could ever dream of. It has made me a better parent. I have a greater quality of life at 35 than at 21. I truly hope you can feel my conviction via text because...

Pelvic Floor PT and Pilates Saved My Marriage
If you read any relationship book, talk to any counselor, or listen to literally anyone about relationships- sex is the key factor. You can try to slice it any way you want, but at the end of the day, sex separates your partner from any other relationship you have....
Hormone Clinic Recommendations- User Submitted
Sharing my hormone journey has been so liberating for me. It's also opened my eyes to the gaslighting, neglect, and lack of care that women have when it comes to hormones. It isn't an internet fad like some OBs want you to believe- hormones literally control...

Handling Body Changes While Pregnant
If you are looking for tangible, helpful advice when it comes to seeing your body change while you are pregnant, you are in the right place. Some of my advice may seem a little insensitive, but I promise it comes from a caring position, and I am just a...
Immune System Support Supplements and Tips
I think we can all agree that the last few years have had one thing in common- our immune system. There are so many facets to our immune system as it is just that, a system. I wanted to do a high level overview into what we do in our house to keep our immune system in...

My Hormone Journey (HRT)
I am six months postpartum, to the day, and wanted to share an update on my hormone journey as I know it's not talked about enough, or at all, with many doctors- especially for women. This is a very personal subject and I am choosing to share to hopefully help guide...

Earthley Product Roundup
I am so grateful I discovered this company at the end of 2019! Their wide array of products for the whole family have helped us in so many ways with their holistic approach! I wanted to share my favorite products that we use as I have received so much amazing feedback...

How to Balance & Manage Time
I don't pretend to have everything figured out and I am certainly improving my own time management skills every single day BUT I do feel like I have some great tips to balancing and managing time that I think a lot of people could benefit from. For reference, so you...

How We Knew We Were Ready For Kids
With my demographic growing up with me, a lot of people ask me daily how we knew we were ready to have children, or at least start trying. It's not a guarantee to get pregnant as soon as you want or plan it perfectly and I always want to kindly remind everyone that it...

My Second Breastfeeding Journey
I can't believe I was giving birth to our son a week ago today! Time absolutely flies, especially during the newborn stage. I was hesitant to share anything on breastfeeding, again, as I was petrified to be ridiculed online, again, about it. It can be such a toxic...

How to: Introduce a Dog to a Baby
I am sitting here, writing this, from my favorite spot in the entire world: my 5 day old son is asleep on my chest, my 19 month old daughter is fast asleep in her crib, and my dog is asleep at the foot of the couch. As silly as it sounds, my most viral video on the...

Postpartum Recovery- Must Have Items
We spend so much time getting our baby registry ready, the nursery, the hospital bag, the outfits, the toys, etc but so few women spend time getting what THEY need to have at home after giving birth. I have been through this postpartum journey twice now and feel I...

Postpartum Nutrition
Sarah Bowmar here, AFPA prenatal and postpartum certified fitness trainer, ISSA certified fitness nutrition specialist, and mom of two! I have dedicated so much of the last few years of my life to prenatal and postpartum nutrition for expecting moms and moms after...

Introducing my Newest Business: Sky Sleep
Never in a million years would I ever have guessed, I, Sarah Bowmar, would be so passionate about newborn, infant, and toddler sleep. It truly goes to show you that passions can arise at any point in life and I really feel like they shouldn't be ignored. A little...

Electrolyte Benefits while Breastfeeding
During my breastfeeding journey with my daughter, the TOP suggestions to help with production was to drink electrolytes. I wanted to do a deep dive into WHY and if it actually works. For reference, my BF journey can be found here. Again, I would like to note that this...

8 Tips for First Time Moms
I don't think there is a time in life when you will feel more overwhelmed than when you bring your newborn baby home from the hospital and suddenly you're responsible for keeping a human alive (minus your husband of course but that's another blog). I am Sarah Bowmar...

Oura Ring vs Apple Watch Review
Sarah Bowmar here to bring you my review of the Oura Ring vs Apple Watch! I would like to start this blog off by saying I was a full paying customer of both products and would buy them both again. I feel they each have their strengths and weaknesses and I hope this...

Top 7 Study Tips
Sarah Bowmar here to bring you my favorite study tips that I have used for the majority of the life post high school. For background and context to know I am not blowing smoke, I graduated with my undergrad in marketing in three years, graduated with my MBA in 11...

All About Arrow
If you aren't following me on Instagram or TikTok, you've probably never seen our dog- Arrow. I never had a dog growing up where Josh had about 6-12 at a time (mainly hunting and antler dogs). When we decided to get Arrow in May of 2019, I was completely overwhelmed....

Parenting Books
I am asked daily on book recommendations for parents. There are so many stages of child development, sleep, eating, gentle parenting, gentle disciplining, etc that I can't possibly list them all every single time someone asks so I decided it was a great time to create...

Prenatal and Postpartum Bath Items
Fewer things relax me more at the end of the day than a night, relaxing, hot bath. During pregnancy, you are ALLOWED to take baths as long as you do not overheat. This is especially critical in the first trimester where overheating can result in an increased risk of...

Christmas Card and Letter 2021
I recently put up a poll on Instagram asking if anyone else sends letters in their Christmas cards- it's something my mom has done for years and I absolutely love reading them. I had hundreds of messages asking to share mine to get ideas! Merry Christmas, Happy...

How to: Prevent Swelling During Pregnancy
You DO NOT have to be uncomfortable while pregnant. You DO NOT "have to accept" swelling happens to everyone- it doesn't. I did not get swollen one time with my first pregnancy and I am almost 7 months into my second without any swelling, of any kind, of any body...

Chicks 101
I am proud to add "chicken mom" to my accolades. I have been wanting a chicken coop for over a year, given how many eggs we go through daily between Josh, Oakley, and me! Fortunately, my best friend and her husband have egg layers and they gave me a ton of tips on...
Top 5 Tips For Staying Healthy This Holiday Season
Josh and I have been very fortunate to remain healthy through every single holiday season together- we have never missed a Thanksgiving or Christmas due to one of us getting sick. And don't worry- this blog post will have absolutely nothing to do with vaccines- I...

My Prepping Tips / List(s)
This blog will either go one of two ways- it'll be my most popular or least popular. But I feel the information is vital to share, especially for those who may not know where to start when it comes to prepping! As everyone is well aware, the supply chain in 2021 has...

Work from Home Mom
First off the bat- I hate the term “working mom”. I saw a quote recently that said, “never in my life have I ever used the phrase ‘working dad’” and that rocked me to my core. I wish I had a term to describe the woman who is working at is also a stay at home mom, when...

How I Lost the Baby Weight
I want to first start off this blog by reminding everyone that the scale does not define us. The scale does not dictate whether we are a good or bad parent. The scale does not define your worth. This blog is meant to hopefully give tangible tips on how to lose...

Pregnancy #2!
Words cannot describe how happy I am to be able to write this blog. We have prayed so hard to give Oakley a sibling and it's happening! If you were following my hormone journey, you know I was getting a lot of blood work done and having tests ran to ensure my body was...

My Hormones…
I don't know if I will ever post this. If you are reading this, you have either hacked into my blog publishing website or I have, in fact, posted it. Part of me is writing this so I can keep my own head on straight when it comes to the tests, dates, timing, points in...

Prenatal Nutrition
If you are reading this, I assume you are either pregnant or trying to conceive- if so- CONGRATS! If you are just reading this for more knowledge, I am all for that too. I did want to start off by introducing myself if this is the first blog of mine you are reading....

Microblading- My Journey!
What is Microblading Chances are, you have heard of microblading, shadowing, or permanent makeup. Come to find out, they are not one in the same- but we will touch on that later in the blog. Microblading creates brush like strokes on your brow bone with a tool with...

My Lash Experience + What I Am Using Now!
I don't think it's much of a secret that women are all about making their lives easier by having to do less in the morning- eyebrows being micro bladed, permanent tattoos such as eyeliner and lipliner, and of course- eyelash extensions! My Lash Extension Experience I...

Favorite Productivity Tools
A lot of people ask how we manage all that we do! If you aren't familiar, my husband and I own and operate a dozen different companies in several different industries. Yes, we have an amazing team behind us but it takes an enormous amount of organization, planning,...

How to Time Chunk
We are not meant to multi-task as humans. Sure, you can walk and chew gum at the same time but neither of those activities requires much brain power. Can you talk on the phone and write an email about a totally different topic at the same time? Chances are, if you...

Hair Extensions 101
I am so excited to share this blog post with everyone! I have been wearing hair extensions since May 2018 and I absolutely love them! I get questions daily about them so I wanted to have an all-encompassing post that you can reference if you are interested in getting...

Pet Insurance
It seems every single day on social media I am seeing a GoFundMe for someone's pet who needs life saving surgery that they cannot afford. My heart breaks for these pets and the pet owners. I am very grateful to have been introduced to pet insurance as soon as I...

Arrow’s GPS Collar Review
I am so excited to be reviewing Arrow's GPS collar! Before I get too deep into this post, I want to mention that I am a full-paying customer with 0 affiliation. I have a referral code at the end of this blog and it earns you a free color band but it is the same...

Favorite Cat Products
If you don't follow me (@sarah_bowmar) on Instagram, you may not know that we have four cats: 3 white cats and 1 tuxedo cat (Tom, Jerry, Berry, and Wheezer). Tom came to me from a humane society in Toledo, Jerry came from the side of the road in Cincinnati, Berry came...

Favorite Self Tanner + Tips
One of my most requested topics / questions to ever flow through my social media: all about self-tanner! I am sure everyone and their mother is aware by now how absolutely awful tanning salons are for you. We canceled our tanning memberships almost 8 years ago today...

Full Day of Eating: 1-7-2021
Sarah Bowmar here to take you through my full day of eating! I hope this helps as I lay out my supplement schedule and meal ideas!

Bowmar Nutrition Gives Back 2020
We want to start off by THANKING all of you for your support of Bowmar Nutrition and because of you, we saw immense growth in 2020! We have always prioritized giving back and now with our exponential growth, we are giving away more than we ever have. This is the...

How To Survive Night Shift
Hi friends!! So this is actually Cassie, Sarah Bowmar’s younger sister! I was so excited when Sarah asked me to write this blog about all things night shift and nursing and how to thrive/survive on night shift! I am a labor and delivery nurse and I work from 7 PM-...

Starbucks Winter Drinks – Under 100 Calories
We always love encouraging anyone to use Bowmar Nutrition in their coffee but these are great 100 calorie Starbucks drinks you can order! Plus, I love when Starbucks comes out with their holiday drinks and cups. It helps get me into the Christmas spirit and they taste...

South Bend- Where to Eat
Hi friends! I have been so excited to share this blog with y'all. For those of you who don't know, I was born in South Bend, Indiana and spent most of my childhood years here. South Bend is a Sarah Bowmar favorite for sure and we still have family in town so we visit...

Laser Hair Removal
I am all about convenience and services that can make my life simpler. I started getting laser hair removal in 2012 on my underarms. I remember the day because it was my first big girl investment into myself! For the record, I’ve been a paying client and do not work...

Guest Room Ideas
One of my favorite things to do now as I continue to get older and my siblings and friends are living farther away...HOST!! This also means I need to have a killer guest bedroom! I have been working on transforming my guest room each time a new guest comes over to...

Tackling Pet Hair!
With four cats and an 80lb dog in the Bowmar household, we are bound for some pet hair. If you’re new here, the cats are Tom, Jerry, Berry, and Wheezer! I’ve linked their Instagram here Arrow is a Belgian malinois / German shepherd mix and her Instagram is here! With...

Botox- Let’s Normalize It!
So many people seem so worried about botox, not because of the actual botox, but because of how they think people will perceive them knowing they got it done. The following information is based on questions I typically receive on my Sarah Bowmar Instagram whenever I...

Brack and Pine
Welcome to Brack & Pine Jewelry, created by Sarah Bowmar. Minimal, elegant, and everyday wear- this is the story! Story I was never one to accessorize, simply because I prefer smaller, more elegant pieces for every day wear. I could never find exactly what I was...

Bowmar Home Gym Essentials
It's no secret that 2020 has been rough when it comes to limited gym attendance, gyms closing, etc. Josh and I decided to build our Bowmar Home Gym this summer before Oakley was born and I am so glad that we did! 95% of my workouts can be done in our basement gym and...

Bowmar’s Christmas Workshop
Guys I have seriously been so excited to share this post with you!! The Bowmar winter wonderland is finally finished with all of our Christmas decorations! 2020 has been very strange and if it wasn't for Oakley, I am unsure if I would have even decorated this year....

Sarah Bowmar Talks Giving Back in Africa
Josh and Sarah Bowmar of Bowmar Bowhunting have personally been responsible for the donation of over 60,000 meals in South Africa, Mozambique, and Tanzania combined since 2016! We have been very fortunate to travel to South Africa three times and Mozambique once (as...

Sarah Bowmar’s Holiday Giving Ideas – Operation Give Back
This time of year can be very stressful for a lot of families. Many people want to give but they may not know where to start! I wanted to list some of the ways that Josh and I have given back in our own communities over the last few years. I am hoping this will help...

Kids in the Outdoors with Josh and Sarah Bowmar
Kids in the Outdoors is a nonprofit organization owned and operated by Josh Bowmar, Sarah Bowmar (me), and Steven McBee. We were fortunate enough to grow up in the outdoors and it helped keep us all on the straight and narrow. Many unfortunately do not have that...

You heard that right- we are expecting our little one on July 30 2020! We are so overjoyed and I am so excited to be able to share this interactive blog post with you My plan is to update every few weeks with how I am feeling + products I am loving There is so much...

NYC- Take A Bite of the Big Apple
NYC is known for a lot of things, for us, it's about food and sightseeing. There are so many pieces of history in New York City and it's definitely a city I think everyone should travel to at least once in their lifeWe have been to NYC 3 times and we stay in Times...

No More BC For Me
After almost 15 years on the pill, I decided it was time to stop being a science experiment and just be ME. The hormones in BC were affecting my mood swings, weight gain, ability to have a normal period, sex life, etc. So- it was time to end the dependency of that...

Travel Bucket List
I have compiled a work-in-progress list of all the items on my Travel Bucket List. I have also included all of the items we have already ticked off the list (I say we as in Josh and me, there were a lot of trips taken as a family when I was growing up but I wanted to...