The who, what, where, why, when, how of fish oil!
There are so many benefits to omegas found in fish oil and if you are not eating fish more than 3 times a week, you need to be supplementing with it!
Fish oil comes from the tissues of oily fish and are basically concentrated omega-3 pills. As with all supplements, not all are created equal. Bowmar Nutrition fish oils are purified to remove mercury, our pills are clear (which is what you should look for when looking for a fish oil supplement), you won’t get a fishy taste when you use ours (some companies use rancid ingredients and that’s why you get the horrible taste), and we do not add any artificial colors or flavors. You can order ours here:
Fish oil helps with inflammation (mainly joint inflammation) and arterial inflammation. Fish oils are also amazing for your heart due to their anti-inflammatory properties (reducing your body’s need to build up plaque in your arteries).
Fish oils have also been proven to aid in brain and mental health. To read more about these benefits, I recommend visiting:
